
This page and this site is a work in progress.
I've created this and am actively putting work into it to engage in alternative ways with the internet in a time where most of our e-time is spent on social media. With each passing year, social media is engineered to continue churning value out of us, extracting all it can from our need to relate to one another while simultaenously serving as a tool of mass surveillance, and it's all too exhaustig and infuriating (even as i continue to semi-actively engage with it) _/end rant siigh_
This doesn't necessarily feel like an "escape", cause i'm also here to connect with people, my intention is a reclaiming of internet space.
My long-term goals are not just to grow this space, but to continue connecting with others through it and to also share skills and knowledge with communities I'm part of (including where I live) so they can create their own sites if they want

PSAs (please read)


I'm a racialized migrant working class aritst. I hope this site offers a place of comfort and resonance for people of similar experience and politics.
This site has as much space for cute + silly things as it does for text, art, audio, etc that features and (i hope) honors people and living beings resisting the fascist machinery of death that is capitalist imperialism.
Thanks for visiting :)